The group is led by Xiaohui Liu, who currently holds the position of Professor in the Physics Department at Beijing Normal University. Previously, Liu was a T.D. Lee Fellow at the Center for High Energy Physics, at Peking University. Our research focuses mainly on particle physics and high-energy nuclear physics, with an emphasis on applying the fundamental principles of Quantum Chromodynamics to predict collider phenomenologies.
here is a List of Liu's Publications and Liu's Google research profile
Jan. We are happy to have Dr. Ning Su from Caltech & MIT visit us and give a seminar on Bootstrap Meets Experimental Data.
Jan. Xiaohui gave lectures on perturbative QCD at the “New Physics Winter School” hosted by Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen. Lecture notes can be found here.
Nov. We are happy to have Dr. Kyle Lee from MIT give a seminar on energy correlators.
Aug. Xiaohui coordinated the 2nd Workshop on Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory in China, focusing on infrared divergence and factorization in QFT this year. The 5-day event took place on the picturesque beach in the City of Qingdao and included ten engaging talks and numerous thought-provoking discussions.
July. Xiaohui was invited to the Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier workshop at MITP, Mainz, Germany, and gave a seminar talk on nucleon energy correlators, the talk slides can be found here
May. Congrats to Hao-tian on passing his Ph.D. defense. He will be a postdoc research fellow at ANL and Northwestern U. this September.
March. Our previous work about a new method to explore gluon saturation is now highlighted by the Dept. of Energy, USA. Read the highlight.
Jan. Congrats to Hao-tian on getting the post-doc offer from Argonne National Lab and Northwestern University, starting in Sep. 2024.
Aug. Congrats to my former Postdoc Hao-yu Liu (now a faculty member at Beijing University of Chemical Technology) being granted the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (国自然青年基金, with only an 18% support rate!)
Aug. Xiaohui is helping organize a celebration event for 50 years of QCD at the Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University. Read the news for more details (in Chinese).
Aug. Manman Wang is helping me to organize the first International Physics Summer School of the physics department. We are honored to have Anthony Zee (徐一鸿, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences) and Alfred Mueller (Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Sakurai Prize Winner) to deliver public lectures. See the news for more details (in Chinese).
June. Our PRL paper Nucleon Energy Correlators for the Color Glass Condensate is featured as Synopsis in the PHYSICS: A Different Angle on the Color Glass Condensate.