The group is led by Xiaohui Liu, who currently holds the position of Professor in the Physics Department at Beijing Normal University. Previously, Liu was a T.D. Lee Fellow at the Center for High Energy Physics, at Peking University. Our research focuses mainly on particle physics and high-energy nuclear physics, with an emphasis on applying the fundamental principles of Quantum Chromodynamics to predict collider phenomenologies.
here is a List of Liu's Publications and Liu's Google research profile
Selected talks from our group members highlight the migration and evolution of our research focus over time.
Nucleon Energy Correlator,
Xiaohui Liu, Light-Cone 2024: Hadron Physics in the EIC era, Hui Zhou, Guangdong Province, Nov. 29, 2024
QCD Energy Correlator at Colliders,
Xiaohui Liu, CLHCP2024, Qingdao, Shandong Province, Nov 17, 2024
Energy Correlators for Hadronic Structures,
Xiaohui Liu, High-energy Nuclear Physics in China (HENPIC), Sep 12, 2024.
Quarkonium Energy Correlator,
Xiaohui Liu, LHCb Physics Frontier, Yan Tai, Shandong Province, Jul 27 – 31, 2024.
Nucleon Energy Correlator,
Xiaohui Liu, Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier, MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Jul 8 – 19, 2024.
lluminating Nucleon Gluon Interference via Calorimetric Asymmetry,
Xiaolin Li, the XXI annual workshop on Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, Salamanca, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca, Spain, 15-18 April 2024.
Nucleon Energy-Energy Correlator in Lepton-Ion Collisions,
Haotian Cao, the 25th International Spin Symposium (SPIN 2023), Duke University, Sep 26, 2023.
Phenomenology for forward particle production in pA collisions in CGC framework,
Manman Wang, 2023 EIC User Group Early Career Workshop, Warsaw University, Jul 23, 2023.
Nucleon Energy Correlators,
Xiaohui Liu, QCD Evolution Workshop 2023, Université Paris-Saclay, May 22 - 26, 2023.
Nucleon Energy-Energy Correlator in Lepton-Ion Collisions,
Haotian Cao, SCET 2023, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Mar 27 - 30, 2023.
Nucleon Energy Correlators for the Color Glass Condensate,
Xiaohui Liu, HIT Seminars, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Jan 18, 2023.
Nucleon Energy Energy Correlator [video],
Xiaohui Liu, 9th Workshop on Resummation, Evolution, Factorization 2022, Online, Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2022.
Exploring Partonic Structure by Quantum Circuits,
Xiaohui Liu, 4th Heavy Flavor and QCD workshop, Changsha, Hunan, Jul 27 - 30, 2022.
Single Inclusive Jet Production in pA Collisions at NLO,
Hao-yu Liu, Jet Physics: From RHIC/LHC to EIC, Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University, Jun 29 - Jul 1, 2022.
Theory on novel jet substructure techniques [video],
Xiaohui Liu, 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference, Taipei, May 16 - 20, 2022.
Jets for spin dynamics,
Xiaohui Liu, INT Program: Probing QCD at High Energy and Density with Jets, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Jul 26 - Aug 27, 2021.
Threshold resummation in forward hadron production,
Xiaohui Liu, QCD Evolution Workshop 2021, UCLA, May 10 - 14, 2021.
Factorization, resummation and CGC negative cross-section problem,
Hao-yu Liu, Workshop on forward physics and QCD with LHC, EIC, and cosmic rays, Jefferson Lab, Jan 20 - 23, 2021.
Lepton-jet Correlation in EIC,
Xiaohui Liu, 9th International Conference on Physics Opportunities at an ElecTron-Ion-Collider, Sep 16 – 21, 2019.
Inclusive h_c production at B factories,
Xiaohui Liu, QwG 2019, Torino, Italy, May 13 – 17, 2019.
QCD Physics at the LHC,
Xiaohui Liu, The 4th China LHC Physics Workshop (CLHCP 2018), Central China Normal University, Dec 19 - 22, 2018.
Jet TMD [video],
Xiaohui Liu, INT Program: Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Oct 1 - Nov 6, 2018.
Progress in jet physics at colliders - From LHC to EIC,
Xiaohui Liu, Probing quark-gluon matter with jets, Brookhaven National Lab, Jul 23 - 27, 2018.
Inclusive jet production at the LHC,
Xiaohui Liu, DESY “Theorist of the Month”, Jan 2018.
N-jettiness subtraction,
Xiaohui Liu, 18th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, University of Washington, Seattle, August 21 - 25, 2017.
NNLO QCD Predictions,
Xiaohui Liu, 2017 Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, Fermi Lab, July 31 - Aug 4, 2017.
Power corrections in the N-jettiness subtraction scheme,
Xiaohui Liu, LOOPFEST XVI, Argonne National Lab, May 31 - Jun 2, 2017.